Vortrag mit Chris Rupp in Portugal

Sonne, Strand, Wein und ein Vortrag über Anforderungsspezifikationen – eine bessere Urlaubskombo gibt es nicht! Falls Sie demnächst an der Küste Portugals unterwegs sind, schauen Sie doch auf dem Vortrag unserer Chefin vorbei…

Auf der QUATIC 2010 – 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology versammeln sich IT-Speaker aus aller Welt und halten Vorträge in drei Weltsprachen: Spanisch, Englisch und Portugiesisch.

30.09.2010, 16:30 – 17:00 Uhr (Ortszeit), Porto, Portugal

Chris Rupp:

How good is your requirements specification?

Requirements play a key role during all phases of a product development project. At the beginning of a project they form the communication basis for elaborating details with the customer. In the following phases they are the basis for conception, design and implementation. At the end of a project, the customer refers back to the requirements specification for approving the product. This shows the importance of well-formulated requirements. Relevant literature makes a clear point as to which criteria for quality (e.g. correctness, consistency or unambiguity) should be met for requirements to be regarded as good requirements. There is no specialist literature, however, that would deal with the question of how to evaluate or even compare the quality of requirements.

The following article takes this step. It gives an overview of quantitative parameters for assessing the quality of requirements and shows how they can be used in practice, making it possible to compare the quality of requirements contained in different documents by using quantitative parameters.

Der Vortrag wird auf Englisch gehalten.


Campus of the Faculty of Engineering
FEUP Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto

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