Rediscovering the Heart of Agile

Was steckt tatsächlich hinter „Agilität“? Was ist also der Kerngedanke des Vorgehensmodells?

In diesem Gastbeitrag widmet sich Alistair Cockburn (Mitbegründer des Agilen Manifests und Keynotespeaker auf den SOPHIST DAYS 2015) genau diesen Fragen und stößt auf das Herz der Agilität.

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Sollte es Diskussionsbedarf geben – Alistair Cockburn ist in diesem Jahr Keynote-Speaker und Workshopleiter auf unseren SOPHIST DAYS! Werfen Sie doch mal einen Blick auf unsere Konferenzhomepage:

Rediscovering the Heart of Agile

All through 2014, I found myself saying: “Agile has become overly decorated. Let’s scrape away those decorations for a minute, and get back to the center of agile. The center of agile is … ”, and then I would rediscover, with my classes, what Agile is supposed to be about.

The short answer for the impatient is simply four actions:

  • Collaborate
  • Deliver
  • Reflect
  • Improve

As a mnemonic, I put them in this diagram:

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The point I wish to draw here is that we spend money teaching people new job roles and new vocabulary, when we already have everything we need to implement agile directly.

Simply, in whatever your organization, ask:

  • How is our collaboration (usually: not so good). How can we improve it?
  • How can we increase both trial and real deliveries to our consumers?
  • What will we do to get people to pause, reflect, discuss on what is going on around them?
  • What are our next experiments to make small improvements?

Agile is not supposed to be difficult or complicated, or expensive, or require certification. It is supposed to be about getting people to work together, getting real feedback early, and improving.

You can, for example, start today.

For more information about the Heart of Agile, see

About the author:

Dr. Alistair Cockburn, one of the original creators of the Agile Development movement and co-author of the Agile Manifesto, was voted one of the „The All-Time Top 150 i-Technology Heroes“ for his pioneering work in the software field. Besides being an internationally renowned IT strategist and author of the Jolt award-winning books „Agile Software Development“ and „Writing Effective Use Cases“, he is an expert on agile development, use cases, process design, project management, and object-oriented design. In 2001 he co-authored the Agile Manifesto, in 2003 he created the Agile Development Conference, in 2005 he co-founded the Agile Project Leadership Network, in 2010 he co-founded the International Consortium for Agile. Many of his articles, talks, poems and blog are online at

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